Are ready-to-move-in homes better than newly launched projects?

Real Estate is an industry that has is never stagnant and suffers constant ups and downs. The investors or the end users both have their preferences and as the market is going the buyers are interested to make the investment in ready-to-move in homes rather than newly launched.
Real Estate Market Condition
As the scenario of market is been seen from a very long time, the delayed possession has become the major concern of the investors. The incompetency of the developer to deliver the project on the committed time is the pain of the buyers and making them rigid to put their hard earned money in RTM projects that makes them risk free. 

What buyers prefer in the real estate market?
There are various reasons for every individual to prefer ready-to-move in property or newly launched. New projects are low in investment, less erosion of capital, more discounts, freebies and good returns as there are more chances of appreciation. Wherein ready projects have no risk of possession, no GST benefit, and tax benefits can be made and many more. The RTM property costs always more than the under construction or new launched so, it also depends upon the budget of the prospective buyer where to invest. 

As per the research made in realty sector
As per the study done in the real estate industry by the experts it shows the results as following:
·        49% prefer Ready to move in property
·        35% wants RTM in next 6 Months
·        11%  prefers RTM in coming 11 months
·        Only 5% of the total wants to invest in Newly launched projects
The study also explains that the buyers are afraid to invest in newly announced projects because there are many builders who fail to fulfill their promise. 

The budget is another major reason and a vital aspect in buying property. Every stage of construction impacts the finances i.e. cost significantly making it a concern for the buyer.  

Differences between Ready-to-Move in or Newly Launched Project

Ready to Move in Projects
Newly Launched Projects
No Fear of possession.
Risk of possession/delivery on time.
It’s Cost more than new launched projects.
Low prices due to initial phase.

12% GST
Tax Deductions can be claimed.
No claim can be made on tax deductions.

Looking into the above mentioned points, now it totally depends upon the buyer where to invest and where not to. Ready to move homes or the newly launched both have their pros and cons. It’s now investor’s take to make note of all these points and make their investment that best suits them.
